How to ensure your applications are processed as quickly as possible?

With most agents now using third party programming for application collection and processing, here are a few tips to help with a speedy approval!
1. Make sure that you have listed the correct phone number and email addresses for your references, especially your real estate references.
If you are unsure of who manages your property – Phone your real estate and ensure you provide up to date details otherwise this can cause lengthy delays and you may miss out!
2. If you are applying with others or have a partner, make sure to include them, everyone over 18 needs to complete an application form. This does not mean they will necessarily be listed on the lease as a lease holder, they can be an occupant – regardless they will need to complete an application form.
3. As applications are processed by IRE and not by the agency, this means we can no longer accept paper application forms. You will need to complete the online application form.
4. Make sure to provide documentation for your living history, work history and financial documentations to show your affordability.
Landlords and Agents are looking for two main areas.
4.1 – Can you afford the property. IRE has an affordability calculator which shows your affordability as a pass or fail for suitability. If you fail the affordability criteria you will need to apply for a property in a cheaper price range.
4.2 – Can you look after and maintain a property. Previous rental history is the best type of reference. However if you are selling your home, ask your selling agent for a reference, provide a link to your online sales listing.
4.3 – If you have not rented through an agency or have lack of references, an alternative is to provide a bank account statement to show you have savings and can afford the rent. This shows a Landlord that you are responsible with finances. Payslips, showing energy bills being paid on time, additional income documents such as rental statements, Centrelink statements, child support documentation can also add weight to an application.
Please note – if you are in a relationship and applying with your partner, you will need to inform Centrelink and change your status to partnered and provide the correct statements as this will effect the amount of money you receive and your ability to afford the rent.
5 – Most importantly, make sure all documentation is provided as above, all details are correct & put your application in as soon as you see a property you deem to be suitable.

If you have questions about the application process or just need some advice, Call Kate on 0413 358 521. Even if we are unable to assist you with providing a house immediately we can explain areas of your application which you can improve on to help improve your chances of obtaining a rental.
We are here to help!